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Panel de control de la cuenta
Este es tu panel de control de TicketingHub
Voucher vs Coupon: Which to Offer in Tours and Attractions?
Understand the core differences between vouchers and coupons. Discover which is more effective in marketing tours, activities, and attractions.
How to Add Users, Restrict Access, and Configure Supplier Notifications
Date Updated: January 2, 2025 Got new team members or need to tweak who sees what? No problem! This guide will show you how to add users, set access levels, and configure supplier notifications in TicketingHub. It’s like being the captain of your ship—delegating tasks while keeping everything under control. Let’s dive in!
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Comunicación - Correos electrónicos y notificaciones automatizadas para usted y su personal
Easily notify your staff for incoming tours and more! TicketingHub allows you to receive various automatic emails and notifications. Here is a simplified guide on how to set these up: How to Enable Notifications Log into your TicketingHub account. Navigate to Settings Users Click on the blue megaphone icon next to the user for whom you want to enable notifications. Select t
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Cómo crear códigos de cupones
En esta sección le mostraremos cómo utilizar los Cupones. En TicketingHub tenemos dos tipos de Cupones. Cupón multiuso que se puede utilizar más de una vez para redes sociales y marketing. Códigos de un solo uso que sólo se pueden utilizar una vez y se suelen utilizar para campañas de marketing por correo electrónico. Acceda a su cuenta TH Haga clic en "Cupones". Haga clic en "Crear nuevo cupón" Cree un nombre de código (por ejemplo: Ap
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How to Change Your Password
Date Updated: January 2, 2024 Need to update your TicketingHub password? Whatever the reason, we’ve got you covered. This quick guide will show you exactly how to change your TicketingHub password in just a few clicks. Let’s get it done in no time!
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